
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa rāua ko Te Āti Awa ki Taranaki.

Pēkere says that “painting for me is as essential as breathing; without it, it can feel as if i’m gasping for air. I’ve been painting for 5 years now, and what started as a past-time has now morphed into a way of existing. It helps me see and experience myself from outside my mind. Colour speaks to me more than words ever could, there’s a subtle understanding that resides in certain hues, in certain patterns, when I paint it’s as if there’s nothing else in the world, only myself and a canvas that reflects back at me”.

“I find myself being influenced by every single moment that I exist within – whether consciously or subconsciously.”

“Pēkere is an exciting creative artist. She is self -taught and her art is her own unique vision. She is a very special emerging artist who is taking Maori art to another area of visual language.”

Darcy Nicholas

Hollowed Knowing

Mixed Media

All seeing, all being

Mixed Media

Fear of Self

Mixed Media

The sensation of finally meeting yourself but still not understanding what may lay dormant inside.

Self Actualisation

Fabric, acrylic paint, oil pastel on canvas

Growing (m)old

Mixed Media

Tunnel Vision

Mixed Media

Bouquet of Emotions

Mixed Media